The C-word is ubiquitous

Yes, that’s right, coronavirus is everywhere. Literally. So, what can we do?

Create credible content

People want to keep up-to-date with what is happening. So more than ever, there’s a need for medical writers, health organisations and the media to provide in-time, credible digital content. Sharing inaccurate information from dubious sources only feeds into the hysteria, which is unproductive and can be downright dangerous in a pandemic. Please listen to the experts. Don’t pass on information or give advice you are not knowledgeable in, even if well-intentioned.

Be courageous

We all have a social obligation to heed the advice of our governments and respect social distancing (and social isolation, where needed) to protect our most vulnerable members of society. These include the elderly and individuals with chronic illnesses, such as cardiovascular disease and respiratory conditions, and people receiving cancer treatments or taking medications that suppress the immune system. Be courageous and cop the inconveniences of physical separation on the chin.

Be considerate

In these unprecedented times, it is important to recognise everyone’s lives are affected. We need to be considerate of others, as well as take care of our own health and wellbeing. It is important to maintain some form of normality, even when working from home. Make sure to exercise daily, maintain good nutrition and get adequate sleep. Instead of dwelling on all the things we cannot do, think of all the things to be grateful for.

Check-on others

Look out for family, friends and neighbours. Drop-off food and essentials for those who are unable to leave the house.

Learn a craft

Avoid being a couch potato. Don’t just spend mindless hours surfing social media or reading 24-7 news about coronavirus. Learn a new skill or take up a craft or hobby that you have always wanted to do. There are plenty of good-quality online learning courses and free tutorials to try.

Have a cackle

Humour in hard times is therapeutic. Send family and friends humorous captions, cartoons and videos. Cuddle your pet. They are the best medicine of all.

Keep calm and carry on

Lastly, keep calm. Accept that although our lives have changed, we will get through these challenging times. Those who adapt and learn to be flexible will cope best.

Please take care!