My Brilliant Career

More than ever there is a need to differentiate yourself from the pack. Gaining one or two degrees is no longer a rarity or assurance for career progression. So how do some people advance up the career ladder faster than others?

I’ve summarised seven tips required for a great career taken from an written by Jim Bright, in The Age, Saturday 28 May 2016.


  • Be perpetually curious and continuously learn

People with great careers never stop learning; they are continuously curious, honing and developing new skills. In his article Jim points out there is a tsunami of information washing over us, “We cannot master all of it, so we had better learn how to surf it”.


  • Build a strong support network

Successful people seek mentors, coaches and ‘heroes’ or other successful leaders to emulate and learn from. People with successful careers surround themselves with team members, staff, colleagues, friends and families.


  • ‘Connect’ with the community

“Great careers are built on service and contribution.” People with successful careers seek meaning in their work and understand how their work impacts the larger community. They connect with people and acknowledge the critical role of others in their career.


  • Possess self-discipline and sustain periods of intense focus

Jim states, “Great careers do not arise out of trying to be all things to all people, or trying to do everything. Distinguish the important things from the everythings, and let others do these other things.” People with successful careers are self-disciplined, resist ruminating about unnecessary or irrelevant things and remain focused on key goals.


  • Be flexible

People with great careers set goals, but remain flexible so they can overcome unexpected barriers and setbacks.


  • Be courageous and ride the waves

“Great careers are seldom, if ever, smooth sailing”, says Jim Bright. Courage is needed to critically self-evaluate, seek feedback and overcome barriers, self-doubt and insecurities. Courage is necessary to persist during fierce competition, turbulent markets and economies. People with great careers have the courage to acknowledge and learn from their mistakes, and to persevere even in the face of harsh criticism or obstacles.


  • Maximise opportunities and luck

Sometimes a great career involves a little luck! However, we can all take action to create our own luck, and seek out and maximise opportunities.